Helplessness : An Unexplainable Pain

Pratikshya priyadarshini
2 min readJul 16, 2021

The concept of being poor not only financially but emotionally and physically, we all think that we face it but the truth is that all of us face this fear, yes its a fear of not doing what we are suppose to do and the thing is that when feel helpless. A rush of every negative emotion is released anger, sadness, loneliness, we want to cry and the pain is so real we can feel it in our nerves but the thing lies out our hands and despite of knowing everything still we can’t do anything, sometime the helplessness lead to almost strength and transform us into a totally different person makes us learn how to fight(in some very specific situations).

I experience helplessness in many different ways in my life such as in work with my colleague and my boss , at home with my family over an argument or something and even when you step outside your house. we face many types of helplessness such as

  1. when you want to help someone in need but cannot: if you are a kind hearted person and always think good about people then you want to help them if you see them suffer and if due to some reasons you cannot do that you feel devastated and helpless and sad . you feel pity over them and you feel powerless.
  2. when you want to help yourself but cannot: if you are in a situation in which you want to do something about it but cannot ,you feel like you lost your power ,your worth ,your value, pretty much everything.

Helplessness with your family

Family, no we call it our Family , the term our changes everything , blood relations , care relations , love relations and many more and the worst feeling is that when you feel helpless around your family the thing is the worst emotion of the world. The pain is caused by someone who you care and love or just very close that you see them every dam day and just seeing them makes you feel like literal shit .

I just want to share a story that is so true and real to me. Its that when your loved one leaves you on purpose ,they just leave you and your whole family and after that you feel like you are no more a family, you feel broken and just the worst feeling is that you don’t know why they left. They just left ..just left , no whys , no good byes and just a letter from them that they just left and trust me it’s not a crime story ,that someone kidnapped them or something, they just left leaving us clueless and wondering why. “ did I do something. did he left because of me. if i hadn’t done these things then he might not had left”. Leaving us with endless questions and self doubts they just left.. it hurts so bad that i cannot even explain through words.

But the thing is I learnt how to deal with helplessness and would read in the next part …so stay tuned.

